Ludus Proximo
Now that I have a few figures painted up it's about time that I introduced my fledgling ludus. The ludus is based in Capua and is run by an ex-gladiator, the lanista Bibulus Proximo (so named as a homage to a certain well known actor who liked a drink or two). At the start of the campaign, the Familia Gladitoria Proximo consists of a mere three gladiators. I decided that for my first gladiators I would go for the slightly more exotic types, hence the first up is a Thraex (or Thracian). Sticking with the theme I have gone to the expense of equipping him with helmet feathers. The Petains immediately dubbed him flashy but as that's not in keeping I have called him Ostentatio. Ostentatio the Thraex Next up we have a Hoplomachus. As this is presumably based on a Greek hoplite I decided to go for a Greek name. Hence, I have called him Androcles - just in case he meets any lions! Androcles the Holpomachus And finally we have a Retiarius. This one I have named Symeon aft...