Ludus Proximo

Now that I have a few figures painted up it's about time that I introduced my fledgling ludus. The ludus is based in Capua and is run by an ex-gladiator, the lanista Bibulus Proximo (so named as a homage to a certain well known actor who liked a drink or two).
At the start of the campaign, the Familia Gladitoria Proximo consists of a mere three gladiators.
I decided that for my first gladiators I would go for the slightly more exotic types, hence the first up is a Thraex (or Thracian). Sticking with the theme I have gone to the expense of equipping him with helmet feathers. The Petains immediately dubbed him flashy but as that's not in keeping I have called him Ostentatio.

Ostentatio the Thraex

Next up we have a Hoplomachus. As this is presumably based on a Greek hoplite I decided to go for a Greek name. Hence, I have called him Androcles - just in case he meets any lions!

Androcles the Holpomachus
And finally we have a Retiarius. This one I have named Symeon after a certain Simon 'a fisher of men'. I'm pretty sure that's not what the phrase means but it seems apt - so Symeon it is.

So there we have Ludus Proximo ready to do battle with the rival Capuan school under Proximo's arch enemy, the lanista Gannicus Anthrax (who I'm pretty sure dresses in black).


  1. 5 Sesterces on Ostentatio becoming the Ludus Primus... always bet on a man who wears feathers! Didn't we call him flashy because if his overly short skirt?


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