The Regional bouts

  Settle down, no Missus, whaaaat? Hands to yourself.  Honestly...

Greetings and felicitations, allow me to introduce myself, Dubious slave to Ludus owner Biggus Brutus and first class gossip on the doings of the Quercu Ludus to enlighten you on the Regional contest.

The Boss has recruited more gladiators.  Ozzy, his Primus, is getting on a bit and as a backup we traded favours to recruit Lemmy, bit of a headbanger, and Dio, bit of a screamer.  The regionals will see us pitted against local Ludus, including that of Dodgius Whitmorus and Quilpius Asthmaticus.

The Prologue

Once again Senator Dubious Figulous is promoting the games.  Word has it that he holds a majority share in the Ludus, and is the primary backer.  He certainly favours mistress Lascivia, my masters wife.

These are the Regionals, and all of Ostia is abuzz at the return of the Ludus from our tour of Cyprus.

The matches

Match 1

Fish vs the Bear

Fish is obviously a Myrmyllo

Match 2

BonJovi  Retiarius vs criminals

And that one was finished by a long entangle critical action... Nice.

Match 3

Dio Thracian vs

Boss Bruce  Retarius

Another win for the Retiarius with an entangle.

Match 4

Gillan  Murmillo vs

Plant  Dimachaerus

Page  Hoplomachus 

Even the mighty Gillan cannot handle those odds.  He take Plant with him.

Match Five

Quatro and Dickinson vs

Angus and BrianJonsunus

The ACDC boys go down.

Match six

The Primus

Primus Ozzius  Secutor vs

Eltonus the Cypriot Thracian

Eltonus falls despite his use of frenzy


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