A Crowd of Capuan Criminals
OK well not quite a crowd but rather a quartet; the alliteration's not as good on the latter though! So not a crowd but definitely criminals or noxii to use the correct term - or at least that's what the rules call them, my Latin being none existent. If one is going to stage a properly themed festival then there is no avoiding the unsavoury aspect of staged executions. Handily, the Italeri gladiator set comes with lions but where was I going to source 54mm criminals? The only answer was to convert another figure and the closest I could find was a set of plastic Zulus. The first step in the conversion was to shave said Zulus; mainly removing leg and arm 'feathers'. I did contemplate drilling out the hands to take replacement weapons but the hands were quite slight and I didn't fancy my chances of drilling into soft plastic. Hence, I cut down the original weapons as a basis on which to rebuild replacement swords. Tunics and hair were then added with...