
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Regional bouts

  Settle down, no Missus, whaaaat? Hands to yourself.  Honestly... Greetings and felicitations, allow me to introduce myself, Dubious slave to Ludus owner Biggus Brutus and first class gossip on the doings of the Quercu Ludus to enlighten you on the Regional contest. The Boss has recruited more gladiators.  Ozzy, his Primus, is getting on a bit and as a backup we traded favours to recruit Lemmy, bit of a headbanger, and Dio, bit of a screamer.  The regionals will see us pitted against local Ludus, including that of Dodgius Whitmorus and Quilpius Asthmaticus. The Prologue Once again Senator Dubious Figulous is promoting the games.  Word has it that he holds a majority share in the Ludus, and is the primary backer.  He certainly favours mistress Lascivia, my masters wife. These are the Regionals, and all of Ostia is abuzz at the return of the Ludus from our tour of Cyprus. The matches Match 1 Fish vs the Bear Fish is obviously a Myrmyllo Match 2 BonJovi ...

The hidden arena

 My flat in Durham isn't very big. With space at a premium the decision to go for 54mm Gladiators is questionable at best.  Over in Paphos I have some great 20mm figures and a printed arena. The answer, go 20mm here too.  I had the same arena as the one on Paphos printed at A2 size for £10, and brought the handful of unused Orion Gladiators back with me to kick things off.   A box of Italeri Gladiators was around a fiver on ebay and I bought the Newline pack of 8 guys for another five pounds.   Total cost £20. I am aware that some of those italeri figures are dubious, but couldn't resist the Quadriga chariot. In the spare bedroom we have an old inherited harbour type  print.  I really dislike it.  On investigation though it has possibilities with a 25mm deep frame.   Pretty hideous.  I'll sell for £20 if anyone is interested?  No?  Into the recess in the back goes a layer of thick brown  paper and atop that,...